Day in and day out, busy routines and harsh Mondays, what to do? How to occupy your mind? Why cardboard packaging does have done to us? These are mere questions wander in minds. No absolute answers are out there. But this article will tell you a little more details. During the mid-19th-century cardboard was invented somewhere in Europe. And by the end of the 19th-century, it reached the continent of America. The U.S was progressing in the economy at those times. There was an entrepreneurial spirit around all U.S. Investors were investing to produce products. United States was big enough to have a demand for modern products. Cardboard packaging boxes magically transformed into the most used boxes in a few years. Cardboard was widely accepted as Packaging material. It was the top choice for packaging.
Cardboard Packaging Brought What Other Materials Can’t:
The major problem during handling and shipment of the products was the damage due to bumps and collisions. The whole travel is uncertain for products. This loss cut the profit margins. Every businessman suffered due to this. A good solution was needed for this problem. Cardboard with its high degree of protection brought safety for the products. The business wanted that property. So the use of cardboard in the packaging of the products became necessary.
The other much-needed problem to solve was the conservation of quality. Heat, moisture, and contaminants were everywhere to destroy the quality of the product. Many businessmen were struggling to maintain their product quality during storage and shelve life. Cardboard prolonged the span of quality by many times when a product goes bad in a week. Cardboard enabled businessmen to contain quality for months. This put the trust of businessmen on cardboard. You can call it magic. We call it wizardry of the last century.

The Waste Of Cardboard Is Still Useful:
The packaging does produce waste, the waste cause problems. These problems have a different nature. The waste of big business occupies space and its disposal is also a problem. But the waste of cardboard is useful because cardboard can be folded and stored for future use. It can also be recycled. So the waste of cardboard has another economy. The recyclers want cardboard waste. Hence the owners of the cardboard waste sell the waste to the highest bidder because that waste is used to make new cardboard and other packaging boxes. The problem of disposal becomes a solution to money. Multiple-use, long life, and value after use were the strong reasons to adopt #CardboardBoxes for the business packaging. That has happened during the last century. As a result, we see cardboard with almost every type of product.
The wizardry of #CardboardPackaging still astonishes people. When people made different art projects with cardboard, it astonishes us. The internet is full of work done on cardboard by artistic people. Some made decorative castles and tiny homes. And some made handcrafted useful items for daily life. What to say more about cardboard. It is now a part of our daily life. We cannot escape from it.