When you visit any market, restaurant, cafe or grocery shop you always have an encounter to watch the work of industry called bottle packaging. A point to ponder: Most visible and abundantly available bottle is a product of big and small companies known as mineral water. That is also the most recycled bottle. Bottles seem to keep their space everywhere, their use keeps us busy in our households, in shops, in factories and everywhere a wide variety of bottles is present and for that bottle packaging boxes are must. Small bottles big bottles, all serve one purpose, to keep the desired liquid preserved and safe from contamination for a longer period of time. Furthermore, the packaging of bottles is an inevitable cost to pay by any liquid manufacturer and seller.
Now you will about to know more about this industry. The main materials available in the market to produce bottle packaging are polymer resin plastic, silica glass, and aluminum. Beverages and drinks is a multi-billion-dollar revenue industry. They employ several manufacturing plants to manufacture bottles to cover their packaging needs. Main building materials for them are plastic and glass. But the packaging is not only manufacturing some number of bottles, but it is also a science to perform a selling operation in the real world. From user experience and sale data, every bottled product is modified, re-manufactured to a point where it contains an ability to put customer’s judgment and choice in its favor. Highly skilled and experienced designers work several hours in research and designing to perform the task of package design.

Countless hours spent by designers to come up with appropriate color and right message for the user. Let me tell you one real-world example of packaging science. Survey and research have provided accurate data about trust of the customer to bottled water. It was known that customer trust that bottle of water which is not fully covered by wrapper including the label. Customer will not trust the quality of water if the bottle is fully covered in the wrapper and water visibility is necessary for more sales. So water visibility became the first order of business in the packaging of mineral water. Industrial chemicals are the main commodity in the manufacturing business. Some chemicals are extremely reactive. An inert medium is essentially required to insulate them from the outer environment.
Have you ever seen a gallon or bottle of any sixteen molar acids, it will always be a thick plastic bottle. Aluminum is also used heavily in bottle packaging boxes. Aluminum is considered safer than plastic due to its non-reactive nature. That's why a large number of people only prefer to buy an aluminum water bottle. Aluminum bottles are beneficial for the environment because of its recyclability. According to an authoritative survey, US aluminum industry buys and recycles 800 million dollar worth of empty aluminum bottles and cans. And it is also a known fact that at room temperature liquid content of aluminum bottle is cooler than liquid content of glass bottle.
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